(guest post courtesy of Margaret Rogalski)
Although the world is a giant mess, so many of our problems—from resource wars to climate destabilization—could be solved if we had a low-cost, plentiful, and green source of energy.
Photovoltaic devices (i.e., solar panels) have come down so far in cost that if you build the system yourself, it is likely to be the least expensive electricity available, no matter where you live. Building your own solar devices is easier and cheaper than you’d expect: it will generally save you at least half of the cost of equipment and installation from a reputable company.
To Catch the Sun – a free open access e-book by Dr. Joshua M. Pearce, available in English and Spanish – teaches readers how to build their own solar energy systems to power homes, electronic and medical devices, glamping setups, emergency uses, and so much more.
The book includes:
Real life stories of building solar power
Technical details: Straightforward descriptions of solar components and diagrams of systems, replete with real examples (many from the systems described in the stories).
Math and science: Easy-to-follow math that allows readers to size small photovoltaic systems for all types of environments and uses.
Dr. Joshua M. Pearce is the Thompson Chair in Information Technology and Innovation at the Thompson Centre for Engineering Leadership & Innovation, Ivey Business School and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Western University in Canada. You can download his e-book HERE.