The HIR team toured the 2021 National Hardware Show in Las Vegas last week, and now we're back with news on the many tools and new products that were on display. Read on to find out what you can expect to find at hardware stores and home centers in 2022.

Ekopel 2K-Set Bathtub Refinishing Coating
The Ekopel 2K-Set includes two-components that create self-levelling bathtub coating, which is applied to cast iron and steel bathtubs, shower trays and sink resurfacing. You can use the bathtub again 24 to 48 hours after application. The product is applied with a pouring method to provides a very smooth surface and thicker layer than other paints. EKOPEL 2K-Set also includes stir stick, sand paper, etching cleaner and manual. The product is odorless, non-toxic and easy to use. https://ekopel2k.com/

The Corner+Roller was designed as a faster, more efficient way to complete jobs without compromising the quality of work. By covering the outer hub of the paint roller with paint nap material, wall corners can be rolled along with the walls without need of a brush or specialty tool. www.cornerroller.com

The Stinger Paint Brush
The Stinger Brush includes an innovative Stinger Tip, a performance applicator which allows for easy release of paint and quick cleanup. Designed especially for cutting in corners and edges, the addition of extended filaments enables better control and excels in the easy release of paint on rough surfaces and heavier material. https://stingerbrush.com/
The BucketEdge was created to save time and materials when painting practically anything. The BucketEdge is a masking tool like tape and dropcloth in one because of the length it extends off the wall. It masks woodwork and floors and works as a shield when spraying exteriors on roofs, decks, and siding. https://www.buckettoolsllc.com/

MasterPlug Cord Reels
MasterPlug Cord Reels are portable open-reel extension cords with four shuttered powered outlets and a super comfortable ridged handle. And overload circuit breaker with LED indicator cuts the power in the event of a power overload and allows you to reset if a cut-out occurs. A comfortable pull-out drum wind handle allows quick winding of the high-visibility cord assisted by the integrated cord guide. The on-reel on/off switch lets you control the power where you are working. http://masterplug.com/

IC Lights
The IC Lights are installed inside cabinets for better visibility of the storage area. Open the door and the LED light turns on. Close the door and they instantly turn off, triggered by a magnetic switch. The IC Lights can easily be installed as a retrofit by DIY’ers without the need for special tools or skills. https://www.MorganImportsLLC.com

California Air Tools Compressors
California Air Tools Quiet Flow Air Compressors are engineered with the latest technology to provide high quality, reliability and longevity—and low decibels. The Quiet Flow Series is specifically designed for the DIY and homeowner customer. The compressors feature the Oil-Free Dual Piston Pump System, which allows the air compressor to work more efficiently creating less noise and less wear for a longer pump life. The Quiet Flow Series Motor/Pump has a life before wear of 1,000 hours and is easily repairable. https://www.californiaairtools.com/

Grover 4000
Change hard-to-reach chandelier bulbs with the new Grover 4000. Its small profile allows it to easily reach into tight shades that would otherwise have to be removed to change the light bulbs. Unlike standard candelabra light bulb removal tools, the Grover4000 works with any candelabra bulb, even on the small, irregularly-shaped bulbs commonly found in household chandeliers. Add an extension pole to the flexible rotating shaft, and reach up and over upward-facing candelabra bulbs for removal. No need to break out the stepladder. https://grover4000.com/
The LadderWeight is created to secure the feet of a ladder for safer use. It is portable, reuseable, no assembly required product. It is a patent-pending product that is 100% OSHA-compliant and works on every ladder and all surfaces. Each weight is 35 lbs. https://ladderweight.com/

TriLED Mosquito Repellent Light Bulbs
triLED Technology lighting solutions work as a chemical-free mosquito repellent. The patented 1850k ambiance is engineered to deter mosquitoes within a 150 sq. ft. zone, so you and your family can stop applying unpleasant chemicals on your skin. All triLED products come with a lifetime warranty. https://triled-technology.com/
The Tech-Patch
Tech-Patches are designed to permanently seals holes and cracks in pipes, whether that pipe is PVC, copper, steel, ABS, galvanized, cast iron, even HDPE. Plus, Tech-Patches permanently seal holes and cracks in metal and poly tanks, barrels and all other containers. Tech-Patches are impervious or highly resistant to oil, gas, all hydrocarbons, water and most common chemicals. Tech-Patches come in 2- and 3-millimeter thicknesses. The flourosilicone patch is bonded in place using a patented Polymer Bonding Process. https://tbbonding.com/

Freeze Miser
Say goodbye to ugly styrofoam spigot caps and hello to a smarter, more reliable solution — the Freeze Miser. Prevent frozen or broken pipes. https://www.freezemiser.com/

Regal Mailboxes
That is one huge mailbox from Regal Mailboxes. Better to receive and shelter delivery packages. https://regalmailboxes.com

TriggerFire Stapler
The Surebonder TriggerFire staple gun allows for powerful one-handed stapling without having to squeeze the handle in awkward positions. Simply set the green dial to trigger mode and squeeze the handle. You are now primed to fire a staple with the pull of a trigger. In Normal Mode, simply squeeze the handle to fire (same process as a "normal" staple gun). The TriggerFire feature is handy for use in tight spaces or hard-to-reach places. The gun is compatible with both Surebonder #4 staples and Arrow T50 staples. https://surebonder.com

RapidFix is a dual-component adhesive system comprised of a powerful, instant bonding adhesive and Welding Powder. The adhesive can be used alone or can be combined with the Welding Powder. The powder is formulated to harden instantly when it comes into contact with the adhesive. Together, the two are used to make repairs similar to a weld, as well as filling holes, gaps and cracks. The adhesive dries crystal clear. The welding powder hardens opaque-white and can be painted immediately. The hardened welding powder can be instantly drilled, sanded, ground, filed and painted.
RapidFix UV (in the yellow bottle) is a liquid plastic adhesive that only sets when exposed to UV light. Simply shine the UV light on the adhesive for 10-20 seconds to cure. The adhesive hardens in seconds to crystal clear. The high strength bond can be sanded, filed and painted. https://www.rapidfix.com/
Reekon Digital Measurer
Check out the Reekon Tools digital measuring device for miter saws. This was one of many new tools we saw demonstrated at the National Hardware Show.
Koblenz USA Contractor Vac
Demonstrating the suction power of the new Koblenz contractor wet/dry vac. https://www.koblenz.com/products/wet-dry-vacuums/

Micro-Mark Tools
Have a small project? Need a small tool? How about a mini table saw from Micro-Mark ? My business card added for scale. https://www.micromark.com/

InstaTrim adhesive trim strips have patented, self-centering wings to ensure uniform positioning on any surface. The flexible material comes on a roll for easy use (also available in bulk rolls), and no special tools are needed—you simply peel and stick. The odor-less adhesive remains intact with no curing time necessary, and its long-lasting finish is durable and low maintenance. It’s an easy solution for uneven baseboards, imperfect wall corners and sloppy paint jobs. InstaTrim serves as an alternative to traditional caulk for kitchens, bathrooms, doors and windows. Six colors are available and strips come in widths of 1/2 and 3/4 inch. Visit instatrim.com

I’ve gotta get me one of these. Need a hand…le? The Grabo tool uses suction power and an integrated handle to lift building materials, including glass, metal, plastic, wood, tile and pavers! https://grabo.com/

Eagle Tool Dirt Auger
Need to install pipe or wire under a sidewalk? Meet the Dirt Auger from Eagle Tool. The dirt auger system is an economical and less labor intensive way to install cable and sprinkler systems under existing sidewalks and drives or place landscape feeding stakes. Due to its flexible spring steel shank this bit can be curved and aimed in the direction needed and drills only a large enough hole to pull wire or pipe back through. https://www.eagle-tool.us/

Pulse ShowerSpas
Easily upgrade your old shower to a spa-like experience by retrofitting your old faucet with pre-plumbed plumbing fixtures from PULSE ShowerSpas, Inc.

Leverage Booster
The new patented Leverage Booster attaches to long-handled tools and pole saws. These poles can be heavy and hard to handle, and the clamp-on Leverage Booster can be easily retrofit onto the handle to provide stability and make the job easier. Use it for extension handles, pole saws, tree pruners, hedge cutters, weed whackers and fishing poles. https://www.whystrain.com/

Right On Bracket
Right On Bracket supplies a variety of heavy-duty shelf brackets, granite countertop brackets, floating shelf brackets, modern shelf brackets, and other specialized metal brackets. These American-made support brackets are designed with high-weight capabilities to support any project reliably for a lifetime. https://rightonbracket.com/

Mayhew Insert and Power Bits
Mayhew Tools introduces new made in the U.S.A. insert and power bit product lines. These bits are available to accommodate a wide variety of fastener styles and sizes and are made with S2 Tool Steel – a shock-resistant material that can withstand high impact. Additionally, the bits are heat treated to provide added strength and durability and their precision tip profile provides positive and precise fastener engagement. https://mayhew.com/

Grout-Aide Grout and Tile Marker
SKM Products supplies a variety of repair products for the home and auto, such as the Grout-Aide Grout and Tile Marker. Change or refresh your grout color and make any tile floor, countertop or wall look brand new. The grout paint marker has a faster, easier application on straight grout lines to cover mold, mildew and tough stains, and they present an easy way to change the color of your grout. https://www.skmproducts.com/
Gator Magnetics
Gator hooks are magnetic storage hooks that have a high weight-carrying capacity. They use a proprietary patented technology that prints north and south pole dots, called “Maxels” (a mash-up of "magnets" and "pixels") in specific patterns creating many shorter magnetic fields (called near field magnetic flux) that make the Gator magnet much more efficient on common thin steel surfaces found in your home and exponentially stronger than traditional magnets with weight capacities over 40 lbs. per square inch. Use them to store tools in your garage or to hang a holiday wreath on your steel door. https://www.gatormagnetics.com/

Paddle Grabber
The Paddle Grabber is a 48-inch long reach tool that provides a safe distance between the user and litter/debris. Pick up leaves and debris effortlessly at a stand-up position with ne bending or squatting. It’s designed to be easier and quicker than using hand leaf scoopers and rake grabbers. https://grab-all.com/